How To Pay For Alcohol Rehab

How To Pay For Alcohol Rehab

August 26, 2021 0 By admin

A lack of finances is one of the biggest obstacles to treatment, and in most cases, by the time someone decides to get help, alcohol abuse has drained their financial resources. You might not have a supportive family member, an insurance provider, or an employer to help you cater to rehabilitation costs. So how can you pay for alcohol rehab in such a case? Luckily, there are affordable addiction treatment programs available that you can find with the assistance of a licensed rehab counselor.

Regardless of how you see it, alcohol rehab is a significant investment in your long-term health. If you calculate what it will cost you in terms of time, effort, and money, you will be directing many resources towards the healing process. Such an investment may be intimidating at first, but the rewards you reap during the recovery process are worth it. Even if you have no income, a limited income, or lots of money at hand, there are several treatment options to meet every patient’s needs. For people with insufficient finances, there are sliding-scale, low-cost, and free alcohol rehab programs available. Such programs are provided by private facilities, mental health centers, hospitals, and public health agencies.

One common misconception is that private alcohol rehabs are expensive and only affordable to the rich and famous. However, some elite private alcohol rehab centers provide sliding-scale programs for individuals who cannot afford to pay the entire cost. Most alcohol rehab facilities take health insurance in exchange for their services. To help you find out if your insurance company can pay for your addiction treatment, an admissions rehab counselor will ask you these questions:

  • Does your health insurance provider cater for outpatient alcohol rehab, inpatient rehab, or both?
  • How many days of alcohol rehab does the insurance plan cover?
  • Is the alcohol rehab treatment facility within the insurance provider’s network?
  • What recovery services does the insurance plan cover? (psychotherapy, medication, detox, etc.)

When you are in the initial stages of recovery, it can be challenging to figure out how to pay for alcohol rehab. You can talk to a treatment professional to see your payment options, so you don’t get discouraged. Studies indicate that alcohol rehab costs are much lower than the long-standing costs of having an untreated substance abuse problem.

What are Your Treatment Needs?

Alcohol RehabFirst, you need to work with an addiction treatment professional to find out what treatment you need based on the level of the alcohol abuse problem. You will then look for exemplary programs and compile a list of alcohol rehab centers providing the treatments you require. Make sure you get all the details for each facility, depending on your circumstances. Your healthcare provider will make an assessment based on your circumstances, and you can use it to estimate the cost of the alcohol rehab programs on your list.

You should also keep in mind that even if an alcohol rehab treatment facility is more expensive does not mean the treatment is better. Rehabilitation programs offer extra luxury amenities and services that do not contribute to a patient’s recovery or treat addiction. This does not mean you should only look for cheap alcohol rehab centers but instead focus on getting a program dedicated to providing evidence-based treatments suited to your needs.

Reexamine Your Insurance Information and Finances

The alcohol rehab costs for each program will range based on the program’s services and location. Look for information on the coverage and fees provided by any of the following options applicable to you:

  • Credit information
  • Employer disability coverage
  • Medicaid
  • Health Insurance policies
  • Savings
  • Employer assistance program
  • Medicare

There are different options to consider in paying for alcohol rehab as most facilities offer various payment options.

Paying With Insurance

Alcohol RehabAfter the Affordable Care Act was passed, addiction services were considered part of the medical benefits to be covered. This means that most people who get into alcohol rehab programs have insurance plans that cover addiction treatment. It is also sensible to use one’s insurance to pay for alcohol rehab, but there are some things to keep in mind. Some insurance providers reduce costs by compiling approved providers who take a smaller payment in exchange for promised clients. This ensures the insurance company generally pays less, but the provider still makes money, which is not always suitable for customers. Some clients cannot use their treatment providers of choice if they are not on their insurance company’s approved list.

Paying Cash

You can also pay for alcohol rehab out-of-pocket if you want to avoid these inconveniences with insurance providers. You will also not need to worry about uncovered expenses and hidden fees. Paying out-of-pocket also means you can negotiate the costs of alcohol rehab care and get some good deals for your treatment. A lot of health providers actually provide significant discounts to families that pay for addiction care with cash.

Personal Loans

Alcohol RehabMany families live from paycheck to paycheck and do not have savings to help them pay for rehab costs. They might want to pay using cash but may be unable. For people who cannot afford the money to pay for alcohol rehab, personal loans are also a viable option. Families that go for this option might get a cash discount, but they might also have to pay the loan back with interest rates. Fortunately, treatment providers do not want to add to the family’s stress at such a time. This is why many alcohol rehab providers have connections with credit unions and banks that can provide loans to people who need them without the high extra fees of payday loans. Private lenders can also be of great help.

Crowdfunding or Fundraising

Family members can also help the individual pay for alcohol rehab. They should make the payment to the facility directly to avoid questions about how the money is being used. Friends can also help you pay for alcohol rehab costs through crowdfunding sites.

In conclusion, paying for alcohol rehab is possible. When you are ready to get treatment, all you have to do is collect information and find the best way to pay for your long-standing recovery. Make sure you talk to a treatment provider about all the alcohol rehab options available.