Should I Go To Rehab For Benzodiazepine Addiction?

Should I Go To Rehab For Benzodiazepine Addiction?

January 18, 2021 0 By admin

When you develop benzodiazepine addiction, it will be daunting for you to overcome it on your own. Why? Oftentimes, you will be blinded by continually using this drug because of the pleasurable feeling it gives to you.

With that, you need to have external guidance and help from your family, friends, and a rehab treatment center. In this read, we are going to share with you some insights and information about the very reason why it’s an excellent decision to go into formal treatment.

Without further delay, let’s start.

What are the Instant Side Effects of Using Benzodiazepine?

This drug has a sedative or relaxing effect on your brain and body, which is used for curing anxiety, seizures, panic attacks, and depression. Also, here are the direct side effects when you take this prescription drug.

  • Bleary eyesight
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Easily agitated
  • A tendency to feel tired
  • Anxiety
  • Minor confusion and headaches

Long-Term Health Consequences from Benzodiazepine Addiction

In general, the safe duration of taking this is between three to four weeks, while the safest will be one to two weeks only. It must be indicated in your prescription bottle, and you need to abide by it to avoid dependence or addiction.

Likewise, here is a list of the serious long-term ill effects of abusing this substance:

  • BenzodiazepineInability to focus and think properly
  • Loss of fine motor skills and body coordination
  • Dementia
  • Amnesia
  • Depression
  • Vehicular accidents
  • Depressed breathing and pulse rate
  • Over fatigue
  • Extreme weight loss due to excessive sleeping
  • Irreparable brain damage

The Benefits of Enrolling in Rehab for Benzodiazepine Addiction

We all have that instinct of being scared of the unknown, and that’s one of the main reasons why some people are anxious about getting into rehab. However, you need to first ask yourself what is your main reason for enrolling in a rehab program.

When you can have a clear and strong conviction of your reasons or purpose of getting it, then there’s no more fear of that. Typically, people go into rehab for two main reasons:

  • For the recovery and healing of oneself
  • For their family and loved ones

Also, here are the main benefits when you enroll yourself in a rehab treatment program to overcome benzodiazepine addiction.

1. It is systematic

When you are addicted to benzodiazepines or any substance, you tend to have an unhealthy habit, which contributes to your drug dependence and later addiction. With that, the best means of counteracting will be forming another habit (a positive one) that will replace your negative routines.

Fortunately, a rehab center provides a systematic process of guiding you in this path of forming a healthier lifestyle. In every recovery program, there is a structure for the series of activities that you need to follow.

Technically, it will involve medication, counseling, rest time, leisure, and other suitable activities that are deemed necessary for incorporation in your holistic treatment program.

2. Comfortable and Supportive Setting

BenzodiazepineMost people will have a scary hospital-like notion of a rehab treatment facility, yet it’s very opposite in reality. Most rehab centers have a cozy and homey ambiance where all people know and understand your condition.

There are also other patients inside whom you can hang around and talk to for gaining insights and motivation. Also, your loved ones and friends will be allowed to be with you on a scheduled basis or during family counseling sessions.

Peer and Support groups are present in any recovery plan because it will give you solid moral and emotional support, which is essential for your long-term sobriety.

3. Treatment is Holistic

Rehab recovery programs aren’t all about medications and detoxification since addiction affects all aspects of a person – mind, body, emotion, behavior, socialization, and thinking.

For all substance abuse treatment facilities, they incorporate various therapies that are tailored-fit for the patient. There’s no such thing as an all-in-one solution for different kinds of drug abuse.

Typically, a treatment program will consist of consultation, detoxification, medication, behavioral therapies, and support groups. There will be variations in the treatment program depending on the patient’s condition and the service provider.

4. 24/7 Medical Supervision

There are inevitable circumstances where a patient can suddenly develop complications or relapse which direly needs urgent medical attention, and this can be provided when you enroll for rehab treatment.

Specifically, 24/7 clinical support is provided for inpatient treatment plans, while terms can vary for outpatient treatment programs. Moreover, they have the proper equipment, medicines, and staff who can immediately assist with painful withdrawal symptoms or any risk for a relapse.

5. Helps Develop Discipline and Goal-Setting Ability

Benzodiazepine AddictionAn addict usually has the difficulty in establishing his goals and achieving them. When he enrolls in a rehab recovery program, he will gain guidance and support in developing his goal-setting ability.

Alongside this, it helps the patient develop a strong sense of responsibility because he will also do his best to attain those goals. These goals will be both short and long-term so that we have clear evidence of the patient’s progress.

6. Regaining Proper Nutrition

In any addiction treatment plan, there is an emphasis on helping the patient regain back his good and proper nutrition and health. With that, the medical personnel will supervise the proper diet and sleeping pattern of the patient.

Likewise, there will be behavioral therapies that will supplement the positive habits to be formed by the patient.

7. Aftercare Program

Once the person completes his rehab program, he will be back in a society where there are a lot of risk factors that can lead to a probable relapse. No worries with that, because most rehab treatment centers also offer an aftercare treatment plan that will provide further assistance and monitoring of the patient’s sobriety.

Also, there is continued counseling that will reinforce the patient’s discipline and positive disposition. With that, there is a higher chance of getting long-term sobriety from benzodiazepine addiction.

When Is The Best Time for Treatment?

Once there is an early sign of addiction, it is best to have professional intervention from a doctor or addiction specialist. Early intervention and treatment are highly recommended to prevent further complications due to drug abuse.

Don’t hesitate to approach your nearest rehab center or addiction specialist for consultation and treatment.